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2022 Summary Report



Whistleblower Project

  • CHRCL is campaigning for more robust protections for undocumented, guest workers, and other vulnerable immigrant workers. We are advocating for expansion of the DHS grant of immigration relief, including deferred action status (DAS), work permits (employment authorization documents or EADs), and parole to workers engaged in labor disputes, including those who report labor law violations or cooperate in the investigation or prosecution of such laws. Protections for Haitians

Protections for Haitians

  • CHRCL is advocating for deferred enforced departure for all Haitians, the permanent end of interdiction, fair and equal access to the asylum process for all immigrants, and other protections for Haitians in light of the terrible humanitarian crisis in Haiti.

Advance Parole

  • CHRCL is advocating for deferred enforced departure for all Haitians, the permanent end of interdiction, fair and equal access to the asylum process for all immigrants, and other protections for Haitians in light of the terrible humanitarian crisis in Haiti.

Trainings, Advisories, and Support


  • In 2022, CHRCL provided thirteen webinars on topics ranging from class action litigation to undocumented workers’ rights. The webinars had attendance of over five-hundred advocates and lawyers.


  • In 2022, CHRCL published six practice advisories and drafted four additional advisories which will be available in early 2023.

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